Thursday, July 23, 2009


Emily Elizabeth King was baptized at St. Peter and Paul on July 19th in front of all of her Danville family! We had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Only wish Daddy had his eyes open in this picture!! It was so nice to have so much of our family there to support us... not to mention Ann-Alan made some fantastic cookies!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Zoo Trip with the Hilberts

With Jon's unexpected day off we decided to go to the Louisville Zoo! We had been talking about taking Nash for awhile and it just so happened to be the perfect day...75 degrees and slightly overcast allowed for two very happy babies. Evan and Stephanie were such good sports and came with us too. Evan so graciously pushed the DOUBLE stroller throughout almost the whole park... while Nash ran from exhibit to exhibit saying "OHHHHH" He loved all the animals and had a blast. So instead of telling you about everything I will just show some of the best pictures!
The blog is fighting with me right now so I will post more later!