Monday, May 4, 2009

Can't wait for Charleston :)

Two reasons I can't wait to go to Charleston. Is there a prettier place???

The next month is going to be very tiring so I will definitely need the vaca. Jon is working out of town a lot so during the week I am single-working mom. I don't know that I could be busier. OH and then we get to move into our new house the weekend before we come! I would love to be lying on the beach right now ...

Sunday, May 3, 2009


As I have said I am going to be using this as a journal for us since I know we may have one or two people that may find it interesting to see what we are up to so here are some pictures of Emmie and Nash!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby Weekend

Here is a picture of Nash sitting on his lion during the Derby!

We had a great visit with friends this weekend! Jon was kind enough to babysit on Friday night and let me go over to Stacey's house to hang out with Ann-Alan and a few others. This is just one reason he deserves the Father of the Year award :) I also enjoyed watching a major upset in the Derby. Nash watched while sitting on his "rocking lion." He sang along to "My Old KY Home" and moo'ed at the tv. There is actually a logical explanation to that... he doesn't know horses yet but he loves cows.. therefore the race involved the fastest cows you have ever seen!

Tomorrow is my last day before I head back to much to do. Jon is also going back out of town on Monday for the week. Hope I can handle it all!

Friday, May 1, 2009

AA and B

Ann-Alan and Beth are coming to visit tonight! Beth hasn't even seen Nash walk yet so wow she is in for a surprise! Beth and and Pat are flying up from Austin to go to Derby and visit friends, and Ann-Alan is driving over from BG...she better not bring that swine flu over that I saw reported in Warren County :) Hopefully the three of us can get a picture together when I am not pregnant! yay!