Saturday, June 27, 2009


Back in January during the Ice Storm Cooper ran away. Jon had let him out to go to the bathroom, and we think he got spooked because he always comes straight back... well needless to say we couldn't find him. I had always hoped that someone just thought he was really cute and took him, but right before we left the old house for the last time Jon asked me to come in the backyard. He showed me a spot under a pine tree and told me that's where the puppy is (that is what he always called Cooper). He said that after we put an ad in the paper a couple of different people called and said they thought they saw a dog that matched the description that had been hit by a car.... He found Cooper on his lunch break and buried him in the backyard. I know that was incredibly hard on Jon because he adored Cooper. As much as the dog hair drove me crazy... we all loved Cooper very much and will miss him.
In happier animal news... Nash has a feathered best friend that nests herself right in Emmie's window. We have to say hello to the bird several times a day and goodnight of course. It is actually really cute to watch!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That's terrible, Katie! I'm so sorry.....If it were me, I don't think I would want to know at all. But maybe it's best for closure. Either way, it's sad and I'm sorry you had that happen :(
